Sunday Cassava Flour Waffles

I loooove to cook. Love to bake. Love to host. Love all things food. So I am so excited to share recipes I have collected along the way with you all! I am not a perfect chef. In fact, it’s rare I use measuring cups BUT I seem to always figure it out. Cooking is all about presence & peace for me. Music on, candle lit, fun drink, windows open. It’s not always an experience like this but I always aim for it!

Sunday morning is always waffles in our house. Von and I have been doing Sunday waffles for awhile now. And we just got a new and improved waffle maker so our waffle game is reeeally elevating. It’s peaceful. It’s yummy. It’s fun. And if you’re weird like me… it’s very exciting!!! We decide throughout the week what we want: healthy cassava flour waffles, classic country waffles, fruity, chocolatey, the list goes on.

I thought it would be fun to share my go-to cassava flour waffles recipe with you guys right before the weekend so you can try it out! It’s super simple & super delish. Enjoy!
